March 27, 2009

Food and things...

I have a 23.5 pound, 22 month old. He currently sits in the 4th percentile for weight. He is incredibly active, but doesn't eat much at all. Even when we have given him a cookie, or ice cream, he will only eat a little bit and be done. So, we try and fill him with healthy foods whenever we can, and hope he stays healthy!

The other night we had chili, hot dogs, Fritos, and grapes. He thought that was great, and kept asking, "Mo pease!" (He loved the chili.) Since then, he has been eating more. I think he may be in a growth spurt, which is what I have been hoping for!

Children from the same family have so many similarities, but they can also be so very different. Andrew loves food! Sam would rather be doing something else. Hopefully, though, his interest has been perked, and he might "beef up" a little bit ;o)

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